Terms & Conditions

AUMLINE is online portal of ‘AUM Capital Market Pvt. Ltd’ and the following Terms & Conditions are related with use of this online portal.

With a strong intellectual base coupled with an un-parallel bouquet of products and services, AUM Capital has emerged as the preferred advisor for the discerning customer. The 360 degree approach to address customer needs has cemented relationships with corporate and institutional client franchise. M/s AUM Capital Market Pvt. Ltd. is the company incorporated in 2005, registered under the Companies Act, 1956 having the Registered Office at 5, Lower Rawdon Street, Akaashdeep, 1st Floor, Kolkata – 700020.

Our offerings span across Wealth Management, Equity Broking, Trade Finance, Insurance Broking & Commodity Broking by Subsidiary, Etc. and provide a holistic solution for the client.

This page contains important information regarding the terms and conditions which apply to your trading and demat account with AUM Capital Market Pvt. Ltd, Member of NSE, BSE and MCX registered with Securities & Exchange Board of India (“SEBI”) as a stock Broker with SEBI Registration No. INZ000185431 NSE Member Code for CM, F&O, CD and Commodity is 12764 BSE Clearing No CM, F&O, CD and Commodity is 3180 , MCX Membership No. 56505 , NSDL DP Id IN304211, CDSL DP Id 12057800 under SEBI registration no. IN-DP-647-2021.

Access to your account and the usage of your account is subject to your compliance with all the terms and conditions set forth herein. Please read this page carefully and retain it for future reference.

The website www.aumcap.com is owned, operated and maintained by AUM Capital Market Pvt. Ltd., having the Registered Office at 5, Lower Rawdon Street, Akaashdeep, 1st Floor, Kolkata – 700020.

Please note that the information contained herein is subject to change as & when required.

By selecting and accepting the “Terms and conditions”, during the login process or while applying for any service, the client agrees to be legally bound by these Terms and Conditions. The client agrees that AUM Capital Market Pvt. Ltd., may at its sole discretion vary the terms and conditions from time to time and client agrees to abide by the same.

General terms and conditions

Before availing of the trading services, the Client shall complete the registration process as may be prescribed from time to time. The Client shall follow the instruction given in the website for registering himself as a client.

Account opening

Online account opening using AADHAAR is currently available only for residents of India and for opening accounts for an individual (HUFs, corporate bodies, NRIs, etc., not eligible).

The Client’s AADHAR number will be used to generate e-signature which will be used to e-sign the KYC document. The e-signature will be generated using an OTP which will be sent to the client’s mobile number registered with his AADHAR number.

Security precaution and password

User name & password will be automatically generated by the system which will enable client to avail of the facilities of online Trading & accessing back-office for various reports through the AUM Capital website/ trading platform. All terms regarding the use, reset and modification of such password shall be governed by information on the website.

AUM Capital’s trading terminal system have a stringent Two-Factor authentication (2FA) secure system for every client to enter into their User ID and Password with OTP which will come to client’s registered Mobile no. & Email Id.

Password can be reset by the client at any point of time, by selecting the ‘Forgot Password’ link under the login area. As soon as select the ‘Forgot Password’ link, password details is sent to Client’s registered email ID.

The Client shall be responsible for keeping the Username and Password confidential and secure and shall be solely responsible for all orders entered and transactions done by any person whosoever through AUM Capital’s Online Trading System using the Client’s Username and/or Password whether or not such person was authorised to do so.

The Client shall immediately inform AUM Capital of any unauthorised use/access of the Client’s Username or Password with full details of such unauthorised use including the date of such unauthorised use, the manner in which it was unauthorisedly used, the transactions effected pursuant to such unauthorised use, etc.

The Client acknowledges that he/she is fully aware of and understands the risks associated with availing of online trading services through internet including the risk of misuse and unauthorised use of his Username and/or Password by a third party and the risk of a person hacking into the Client’s account on AUM Capital’s Online Trading / Back office System and unauthorisedly routing orders on behalf of the Client through the System. Without prejudice to the provisions mentioned herein above, the Client shall immediately notify AUM Capital in writing with full details if he/she discovers or suspects unauthorised access through his Username, Password or Account, he/she notices discrepancies that might be attributable to unauthorised use/access, he/she forgets his password.

Trading Platforms

AUM Capital is offering Trading on Web and Mobile App which used API of BSE BOW (BSE on WEB) trading platform.


All orders for purchase, sale or other dealings in securities and other instructions routed through the AUM Capital’s Online Trading System via the Client’s Username shall be deemed to have been given by the Client.

The orders and instructions and all contracts and transactions entered into pursuant thereto and the settlement thereof will be in accordance with the Exchange Provisions.

AUM Capital may from time to time impose and vary limits /leverage on the orders which the Client can place through AUM Capital’s online trading System based on Exchange guidelines. The Client is aware and agrees that AUM Capital may need to vary or reduce the limits/leverage or impose new limits urgently on the basis of the AUM Capital’s risk perception and other factors considered relevant by AUM Capital, and AUM Capital may be unable to inform the Client of such variation, reduction or imposition in advance. The Client agrees that AUM Capital shall not be responsible for such variation, reduction or imposition or the Client’s inability to route any order through AUM Capital’s Online Trading System on account of any such variation, reduction or imposition of limits/leverages . The Client understands and agrees that AUM may at any time, at its sole discretion and without prior notice, prohibit or restrict the Client’s ability to place orders or trade in securities through AUM Capital.

Though orders will generally be routed to the Exchange’s computer systems within a few seconds from the time the order is placed by the Client on AUM Capital’s Online Trading System, AUM Capital shall not be liable for any delay in the execution of any order or for any resultant loss on account of the delay.

The client agrees AUM Capital may impose scripwise surveillance or such other conditions as to scripwise limits, etc. The client also understands that AUM Capital may impose various surveillances which may differ from client to client on the basis of the AUM Capital’s risk perception and other factors considered relevant by AUM Capital.

In case of market order, the client agrees that the trade will be executed at prevailing market rate of the exchange at that time.

Trading, settlement and accounts

The client agrees that all orders placed through the trading platform shall be forwarded by the system to the Exchange. All orders placed through online trading platform but in case of any technical problem, the client may contact the dedicated support team for execution of order. AUM Capital support will not liable for the successful execution of such order.

The client shall bring any errors in any report, contract note of executed trades (including execution prices, scripts or quantities) to AUM Capital’s notice in writing by an email to support@aumcap.com/helpdesk@aumcap.com immediately of receipt of the concerned report, contract note. Any other discrepancy in the confirmation or account shall be notified by the client to AUM Capital in writing via email on immediate basis from the time of receipt of the first notice. In all cases, AUM Capital shall have a right to accept or reject the client’s objection.

There may be a delay due to unforeseen, technical & other reasons, AUM Capital receiving the reports of transaction, status, from the respective exchanges or other persons in respect of or in connection with which AUM Capital has entered into contracts or transactions on behalf of the clients. Accordingly AUM Capital may forward to the client late reports in respect of such transactions that were previously unreported to him as been expired, cancelled or executed. The client shall not hold AUM Capital responsible for any losses suffered by the client on account of any late reports, statements or any errors in the report / statements computed by or received from any exchange.

The client agrees that if, for any circumstance or for any reason, the markets close before the acceptance of the Order by the Exchange, the order may be rejected. In case of rejection of an order due to rejection by the Exchange, the client agrees that the order shall remain declined and shall not be re-processed, in any event.

AUM Capital may, at its sole discretion, reject any order placed on the trading system / website or in any other manner due to any reason, including but not limited to the non-availability of funds in the trading account of the client, non-availability of securities in the Demat account of the client with a designated depository participant, suspension of scrip- specific trading activities by or on an Exchange and the applicability of circuit breaker to a scrip in which orders are placed.

The client agrees that, if the order is not accepted on the trading system / website for any reason, AUM Capital shall have the right to treat the order as having lapsed or rejected.

The client is aware that the electronic trading systems either at the Exchange or in the offices of AUM Capital are vulnerable to temporary disruptions, breakdowns or failures. In the event of non- execution of trade orders or trade cancellation due to the happening of such events or vulnerabilities due to failure / disruption / breakdown of system or link, AUM Capital shall be entitled to cancel relative request/(s) with the Client and shall not be liable to execute the desired transactions of the client’s. In such event, AUM Capital does not accept responsibility for any losses incurred / that may be incurred by the Client due to such eventualities which are beyond the control of AUM Capital.

The client agrees to abide with and be bound by all the rules, regulations and bye-laws of the Exchange as are in force pertaining to the orders placed by him on the website or any other manner.

AUM Capital shall not be responsible for any order, that is made by the Client by mistake and every order that is entered by the Client through the use of the allotted user name and the password shall be deemed to be a valid order for which the Client shall be fully responsible.

The client shall not be entitled to presume an order having been executed, cancelled or modified/product converted until a confirmation through contract note from AUM Capital is received by the client. However, due to technical other factors the confirmation may not be immediately transmitted to or received by the client and such a delay shall not entitle the client to presume that the order has not been executed cancelled or modified unless and until AUM Capital has so confirmed in writing.

Cancellation or modification of an order pursuant to the client’s request in that behalf is not guaranteed. The order will be cancelled or modified only if the client’s request for cancellation and modification is received and the order is successfully cancelled or modified before it is executed. Market orders are subject to immediate execution wherever possible and product conversions are available online, and if at any time the client wants to convert the executed order from one product type to another product type for example DELIVERY to INTRA or vice versa, it will be carried out, only if the client’s request for the product conversion is received before the stipulated time of intraday auto square off and if sufficient margins are available for product conversion.

The pending orders shall be governed as per the exchange systems, after the market is closed for the day.

AUM Capital shall issue contract notes in terms of the SEBI (Brokers and Sub-Brokers) Rules and Regulations, 1992, within 24 hours of the execution of the trade. The Client agrees that AUM Capital to issue contract note, bills or statements of account or any other related information in digital form which shall be sent by way of email to the address provided by the Client. Client is aware that it is his responsibility to review the contract notes, the bills or statements of account immediately upon their receipt. All such information and statements shall be deemed to have been accepted as correct if the client does not object in writing to any of the contents of such trade confirmation/intimation within 24 hours to AUM Capital.

AUM Capital may allow/disallow client from trading in any security or class of securities, or any other trading products and impose such conditions for trading as it may deem fit from time to time.


The Client agrees and undertakes to immediately deposit margin money with AUM Capital. Margin can be deposit by online fund transfer. The Client agrees that AUM Capital shall be entitled to require the Client to deposit with AUM Capital a higher margin than that prescribed by the Exchange.

The Margin will not be interest bearing. AUM Capital shall have, at its sole discretion, the irrevocable right to set off a part or whole of the Margin i.e., by the way of appropriating of the relevant amount of cash against any dues of the Client.

AUM Capital at its sole discretion prescribe the payment of Margin in the form of cash (fund transfer) only. The Client accepts to comply with the requirement of AUM Capital with regards to payment of Margin in the form of cash (fund transfer) immediately. Without prejudice to the stock broker's other rights (including the right to refer a matter to arbitration), the stock broker shall be entitled to liquidate / close out all or any of the client's positions for non- payment of margins or other amount, outstanding debts, etc., and adjust the proceeds of such liquidation / close out, if any, against the client's liabilities / obligations. Any and all losses and financial charges on account of such liquidation / closing-out shall be charged to and borne by the client.

The client agrees to abide by the exposure limits, if any, set by the stock broker or by the Exchange or Clearing Corporation or SEBI from time to time.

The client is also aware that AUM Capital is required to deposit sufficient margin with the Exchange to enable all its eligible clients to trade subject to such limits as may be imposed by AUM Capital on the basis of AUM Capital’s Risk perception and other factors considered relevant by AUM Capital. However, there may be circumstances when the deposits made by AUM Capital with the Exchange may not be sufficient in times of extreme volatility and for any other reason, trading terminals of AUM Capital may get temporarily suspended because of the cumulative effect of non-meeting of obligation by various clients as per this agreement. In these circumstances, no client shall have the right to claim any damages from AUM Capital for any loss that they might incur on account of such suspension of trading.

The Client agrees that any cash ( fund transfer ) placed by him/her/it as margin may in turn be placed as margin by AUM Capital with the Exchanges, clearing corporation or Clearing Member or such other institution as AUM Capital may deem fit. The Client authorises AUM Capital to do all such acts, deeds and things as may be necessary and expedient for placing such securities/cash with the Exchanges/clearing corporations/ clearing member as margin.

Money pay-in to AUM Capital - The Client agrees that all payments due to AUM Capital will be made within the specified time and in the event of any delay, AUM Capital may refuse, at their discretion, to carry out transactions or closeout the position and the costs/losses if any, thereof shall be borne solely and completely by the client. All payments made to AUM Capital shall be from the registered bank account of the client and shall not to be from any third party.

Money payout to AUM Capital - Notwithstanding anything contained in any other agreement or arrangement, if any, between the parties hereto, the client hereby authorizes AUM Capital to release all payments due to him from the trading account maintain with AUM Capital, against specific request in this behalf.

Securities pay-in to AUM Capital - All delivery to be effected to AUM Capital for a trade, must be made on or before exchange scheduled pay-in date. Losses, if any, that may accrue in the event of a default in completing the delivery on the exchange by AUM Capital as a result of any delay in the delivery by the client, shall be borne solely and completely by the client. Losses for the purposes of this clause shall include auction debits/ penalty charges, if any incurred as a result of non-delivery of securities on the settlement date on the exchange. No third party shares will be sold through AUM Capital or third party payment should be made to AUM Capital and client will be solely responsible for any violation. If the client has sold any securities against purchase in previous settlements, such sale shall be at the sole risk as to costs and consequences thereof of the client.

Securities pay-out by AUM Capital – AUM Capital may directly credit the demat account of the client with the depository participant or maintain the securities account with AUM Capital on a running account basis.

AUM Capital is entitled to consider any sum or money or security lying to the credit of the client as margin received.

Running Account settlement of funds and Securities

With reference to trading account opened with AUM Capital, client has agreed to maintain a running account for funds on behalf of client without settling the account on settlement of each transaction. Client further request AUM Capital to retain all amounts receivable by client until specifically requested by client to be settled or to be dealt with In any other manner.

Client understand and agree that no interest will be payable to client on the amounts so retained with AUM Capital.

Client may be trading in cash segment of various Exchanges and hence have various accounts with AUM Capital. In this regard client hereby authorize AUM Capital to act at its discretion of adjusting any credit balance under client’s various accounts against the debit in client account across segments/Exchange, without taking any further instruction from client.

Client hereby authorize AUM Capital to set off a part or whole of the margin deposited by client against any of client’s dues, by appropriating relevant amount of fund or by sale of securities which form part of margin.

Client hereby authorize AUM Capital to pledge client’s securities deposited as margin as, permitted in the running account and to deposit client’s funds deposited as margin to Exchanges / Clearing Corporation towards margin.

Client may revoke the authorization at any time a by issuing a physical letter for the effect.

Client also agree that the actual settlement of fund shall be done by AUM Capital, at least once in a calendar quarter or month according to the option chosen by client and the statement of account for the same will be provided to client by AUM Capital.

Client shall bring any dispute arising from the statement of account or settlement so made to the notice of AUM Capital within 30 working days from the date of receipt of statement.

There shall be no inter-client adjustment for the purpose of settlement of the 'running account'.

For any outstanding obligations on the settlement date, AUM Capital may retain the requisite securities/funds towards such obligations and may also retain the funds expected to be required to meet margin obligations for next 5 trading days, calculated in the manner specified by the exchanges.

Suspension of trading account

The client is aware that, if there are no trades in the trading account for a period of twelve months, AUM Capital shall suspend the trading account from further trading as per the rules and regulations of the exchanges. Further if at any time if the client wants to login to the online trading platform, the client has to send an e-mail to support@aumcap.com to activate the account for the trading.

Representations and warranties

The Client hereby warrants that he is capable of accepting the Terms & Conditions and that the terms of the present are not in contravention of any rights of any party with whom such client has any agreements, at any time prior to the execution of this agreement.

The client agrees to provide and continue to provide all details as may be required by AUM Capital, including but not restricted to PAN Number or Aadhar card or Unique Identification Number (issued by SEBI) , and states all details and facts represented to AUM Capital are true.

The Client is aware and acknowledges that trading over the internet involves many uncertain factors and complex hardware, software, systems, communication lines, peripherals, etc., which are susceptible to interruptions and dislocations; and the Online Trading Service of AUM Capital may at any time be unavailable without further notice. AUM Capital and the Exchange do not make any representation or warranty that the Online Trading Service of AUM Capital will be available to the Client at all times without any interruption. The Client agrees that he shall not have any claim against the Exchange or AUM Capital on account of any suspension, interruption, non-availability or malfunctioning of the Online Trading System or Service of AUM Capital or the Exchange's service or systems for any reason whatsoever.

The Client/s agree to indemnify and hold AUM Capital, its employees/Directors harmless against any loss that may be suffered by it, its customers or a third party or any claim or action that may be initiated by a third party which is in any way the result of improper use of user ID and password by the Client/s.

The Client hereby confirms and warrants that the Client authorises AUM Capital to take all such steps on the Client’s behalf as may be required for provisions or to complete or settle any transactions entered into through or with AUM Capital or executed by AUM Capital on behalf of the Client. However, nothing herein shall oblige AUM Capital to take such steps.

Fees and brokerage

The Client agrees to pay to AUM Capital brokerage, commission, fees, and the regulatory charges like, Exchange penalties, GST other taxes, stamp charges transaction expenses and clearing charges etc. as they exist from time to time and as they apply to the Client's account and transactions, and for the services that he receives from AUM Capital.


In the event of death or insolvency of the client, winding up or liquidation, or their otherwise becoming incapable of receiving and paying for or delivering or transferring securities which the client has ordered to be bought or sold, AUM Capital may close out the transaction of the client and the client or his legal representative shall be liable for any losses, costs and be entitled to any surplus which may result therefrom.

The client is aware that authentication technologies and strict securities measures are required for internet trading through order routed system and undertake to ensure that the password of the client and /or their authorized representatives are not revealed to any third party. The client also agrees to indemnify AUM Capital from any loss, injury, claim or any action instituted against AUM Capital arising from the misuse of the password by any party.

Force majeure

AUM Capital shall not be responsible for delay, non execution of Trade or default in the performance of their obligations due to contingencies beyond their control, such as (including but not limited to) losses caused directly or indirectly by exchange or market rulings, suspension of trading, fire, flood, civil commotion, earthquake, war, strikes, Pandemic, failure of the systems, failure of the internet links or government / regulatory action.


In the event of any one or more of the provisions contained in this Agreement becoming invalid, illegal or unenforceable in any respect under any law for the time being in force, the validity, legality and enforceability of the remaining provisions contained herein shall not in any way be prejudiced or affected thereto.


All trades, transaction and contracts are subject to the Rules and Regulations of the respective Exchange on which the trades have been executed and shall be deemed to be and shall take effect as wholly made, entered into and to be performed as per the rules and regulations of the exchanges and the parties to such trade shall be deemed to have submitted to the jurisdiction as per the exchange rules, byelaws and regulations.

Further if the client at any time during the period of trading with AUM Capital or immediately after, any dispute or differences arises between the parties hereto in relation to or in connection with the terms and Conditions or policies and procedures of the Company, shall be referred to the Exchanges investor Grievance Redressal Mechanism. But, if at any time if there are any disputes or differences referred to the Courts, the Jurisdiction shall be the Courts of KOLKATA only.

Payin and Payout of funds:


Clients can transfer funds into the Trading Account/Bank Account only from such bank accounts which are registered with AUM Capital. Any transfer from a non-registered bank account will not be considered and the client does not get any credit of the amount / trading limit for such transfers.The client can transfer funds from the instant payment gateway facility available on the trading platform.


All payouts will have to be compulsorily placed through the access provided on the trading platform. All payout requests will be processed electronically and the credit shall come to the client’s primary bank account as per timelines mentioned in trading platform. Payouts will not be processed on Holidays, Saturday and Sunday.


Margin is the minimum amount required to buy/sell. Margins are always collected in advance as prescribed by exchange


Scriptwise Margin will be applicable for INTRADAY Trading. Margin will be applicable according to exchange’s VAR ( Value at Risk ) or 20% whichever is higher in Cash Segment. These Margins are collected upfront for the trading in the Equity segments.


100% Margin will be applicable for DELIVERY Trading.

GSM / ASM Margin

GSM stands for 'Graded Surveillance Measure' and ASM stands for ‘Additional Surveillance Measure'. In order to enhance market integrity and safeguard the interest of investors, Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) and Exchanges, have been introducing various enhanced surveillance measures such as reduction in price band, periodic call auction and transfer of securities to Trade to Trade segment from time to time.

RMS Policy

Any order placed under ‘INTRA’ will automatically be squared off within 15 Minutes before the market closes for respective exchange segments. Code will be blocked if Intraday MTM reaches 80% will be squared off the same.

AUM Capital shall change the intraday margin at any time, during the trading day or on any special day where AUM Capital anticipates higher volatility in the market due to any of the following reasons without any notice,

  • Exchange policy changes or regulation
  • Government policy changes or regulation
  • Stock broker internal policy changes
  • Excessive or abnormal market movement / turnover / volatility in the domestic & Global markets.
  • Any upcoming election results/ any other political changes.

AUM Capital reserves and retains the right to sell or square off the client’s open positions in any segment of any exchange and the Client Unpaid Secutities Account (CUSA) / demat account stocks with POA etc. under the following conditions listed below and AUM Capital shall not be held responsible for any loss/charges due to the square off /non- square off positions as per this policy.

When Mark-to Market (MTM) loss breaches 80% or more of Capital/Margin

Once the MTM loss exceeds 80% of more of Capital/margin (which means that client has lost 80% or more of his capital/margin) for both INTRADAY transactions , AUM Capital shall cancel all open/ Pending orders and shall square off the entire positions of client at market. Further, the client shall be put in square off mode and shall not be able to place any fresh orders. Since some of these actions are not automated in the system, can only square off positions on a best effort basis. It is possible that due to extreme volatility / high leverages used by the clients / market freeze or any other conditions, the MTM loss may exceed even 100% of capital / margin placed by the client before AUM Capital can square off the positions. In all / any events AUM Capital cannot be held responsible for such losses or charges incurred. It is the responsibility and onus of the client to continuously monitor his positions and bring in additional margin required as when the MTM loss is incurred so as to ensure that MTM loss does not exceed 80% of capital/margin placed where in the above square off condition is triggered. Under no circumstances can the client transfer his/her responsibility to monitor his/her positions to AUM Capital. In the event that MTM loss exceeds 100% of the capital / margin, AUM Capital reserves the right to liquidate the client DP stocks in any manner and at any time it deems fit to meet the debit balance of the Client.

Liability clause due to square off / non square off the positions

AUM Capital shall not be held liable for any loss that arise due to the above intraday square off the positions/ Close out of the positions/ squaring off the positions/ selling of the stocks due to the Nonpayment/ margin shortfall/ Mark to Market loss breaching the risk level etc. Further, the client agrees that AUM Capital shall not be held responsible and liable for any loss /damage that arise in case where AUM Capital has not squared off / not closed out the positions / covered the positions on time as per the above square off policy, due to any reason.

AUM Capital reserves the right to change the above policies at any time in general or in particular case within the Exchange guidelines.

Note: Intraday square off timings can change based on the discretion of our risk management department.

Handling of the Client securities & Policy on Client unpaid Securities Account (CUSA):

With respect to SEBI Circular No. CIR/HO/MIRSD/DOP/CIR/P/2019/75 dated June 20, 2019 on Handling of the clients Funds and Securities by Trading Members/ Clearing members ( TM /CM), the following changes have made to the RMS Policy.

AUM Capital based on the above SEBI circular shall require to transfer the client's securities received in pay-out (T+2) to clients demat account within one working day. But in case if the securities received in pay-out are not paid fully by the client , then AUM Capital may retain those securities in "CLIENT UNPAID SECURITIES ACCOUNT (CUSA)" and these securities will be transferred to the client’s respective demat account upon the fulfillment of funds obligation in the account. Further if at any time if the client fails to meet the funds pay-in obligation within five trading days (5) from pay-out day(T+2) then AUM Capital shall liquidate the securities in the market to recover the debits/dues in the account including the penalty/interest/ accrued interest/DP charges/ any other uncleared charges etc..

AUM Capital shall liquidate these securities in the CUSA account based on various parameters including but not limited to liquidity, volatility, categorization, concentration, or any single stock or set of stocks that has value close to the amount outstanding, or based on any corporate action that is getting triggered in the stocks held or events that could trigger price fluctuation in any particular sector or a particular company. AUM Capital may in its sole discretion, determine the time of sell and securities to be disposed off and or which open position is / are to be liquidated / closed. Further AUM Capital shall not take any pre-order confirmation /margin calls prior to the liquidation of the securities and AUM Capital shall not be held liable for any loss that arise due to the liquidation of securities.

Penny Stocks Policy

It is a stock that trades at a relatively low price and market capitalization. These types of stocks are generally considered to be highly speculative and high risk because of their lack of liquidity, large bid-ask spreads, small capitalization and limited following and disclosure. Depend on the market condition and Margin policy of the company, AUM Capital reserves the right to refuse to provide the exposure / margin in penny stocks and losses if any, on account of such refusal shall be borne by the client only.

Clients exposure limits:

Exposures are set in the trading terminal based on the margin deposited by the client to the trading account, and the client can trade based on the margins set in the system. AUM Capital may from time to time introduce various margin exposures/Trading limit policies, including exposure limits, turnover limits, order quantity /Order value and/or kind of limit checks in respect of which orders can be placed in the terminal. AUM Capital may at its discretion vary or reduce the limits or impose new limits urgently on the basis of AUM Capital risk perception and other factors considered relevant for the trading but not limited to limits on account of exchange / SEBI directions/limits, such as broker level/market level limits in security specific/ volume specific exposures etc. In such occasion, AUM Capital may be unable to inform the client of such variation, reduction or imposition in advance and the client agrees that AUM Capital shall not be responsible for such variation, reduction or imposition or the client’s inability to route any order through AUM Capital’s trading system on account of any such variation, reduction or imposition oflimits.Further client agrees that AUM Capital may at any time, at its sole discretion and without prior notice, prohibit or restrict the client’s ability to place orders or trade in securities through AUM Capital, or it may subject any order placed by the client to review before its entry into the trading systems any may refuse to execute/allow execution of orders due to but not limited to the reason of lack of margin/securities or the order being outside the limits set by AUM Capital / exchange / SEBI and any other reasons which AUM Capital may deem appropriate in the circumstances. The client agrees that the losses, if any on account of such refusal or due to delay caused by such review, shall be borne exclusively by the client alone.

Blocking of the Debit accounts as per the Enhanced Supervision:

The following is the extract of SEBI circular No. SEBI/HO/MIRSD/MIRSD2/CIR/2016/95 dated 26th September 2016 Clause 2.6

“Stock brokers shall not grant further exposure to the clients when debit balances arise out of client's failure to pay the required amount and such debit balances continues beyond the fifth trading day, as reckoned from date of pay-in.”

Suspending Client’s trading account:

AUM Capital may withhold the payout of client and suspend his trading account due to any internal surveillance (if client indulges into manipulative trade practice) / regulatory orders (debarring orders).

Dormant Account:

If the client has not traded in any particular segment for a period of 365 days, (not traded for 12 months), the account will be treated as dormant and client trading account shall be suspended from further trading. The client can activate the account by sending an e-mail to support@aumcap.com.

Additional Surveillance Measures ( ASM )

In order to enhance market integrity and safeguard the interest of the investors, SEBI has introduced additional surveillance margin (ASM) on securities that witness abnormal price rise, which not commensurate with the net worth and fundamental’s of the company. AUM Capital as a risk containment measure shall allow trading in these shares only on DELIVERY product i.e 100% margin.

Graded Surveillance Measures ( GSM )

In order to enhance market integrity and safeguard the interest of the investors, SEBI has introduced the Graded Surveillance Measures (GSM) on securities that witness abnormal price rise, which not commensurate with the net worth and fundamental’s of the company. AUM Capital as a measure, shall block all these Securities as per the GSM list on a regular basis, and shall not allow the clients to take fresh Positions but allow the clients to liquidate these securities if clients holds the same in their account.

Contract Note

AUM Capital will issue contract notes & margin statements to its clients within 24 hours of the close of trading. Along with the Contract Note.

Customer Support

AUM Capital has provided client with a dedicated email ID and telephone numbers for various of its services as given below.

Mail Id - support@aumcap.com .

Phone - 033-40572214

Investor grievances

The Compliance Officer shall be the designated officer for handling the Investors Grievances and Client Complaints. The email ID you can write to in case you have any grievance is helpdesk@aumcap.com.

The resolution of the Complaint shall be done at the earliest and the same shall be recorded in the register along with the date of resolution.

For any grievance / dispute can lodge a complaint to https://scores.gov.in

I acknowledge that I have read, and do hereby accept the above terms and conditions.

Attention Investors KYCIPO
"Attention Investors

1. Stock Brokers can accept securities as margin from clients only by way of pledge in the depository system w.e.f. September 1, 2020.

2. Update your mobile number & email Id with your stock broker/depository participant and receive OTP directly from depository on your email id and/or mobile number to create pledge.

3. Pay 20% upfront margin of the transaction value to trade in cash market segment.

4. Investors may please refer to the Exchange's Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) issued vide circular reference NSE/INSP/45191 dated July 31, 2020 and NSE/INSP/45534 dated August 31, 2020 and other guidelines issued from time to time in this regard.

5. Check your Securities /MF/ Bonds in the consolidated account statement issued by NSDL/CDSL every month.

6.Dear Investor,
As you are aware, under the rapidly evolving dynamics of financial markets, it is crucial for investors to remain updated and well-informed about various aspects of investing in securities market. In this connection, please find a link to the BSE Investor Protection Fund website where you will find some useful educative material in the form of text and videos, so as to become an informed investor.
We believe that an educated investor is a protected investor !!!

.......... Issued in the interest of Investors"


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AUM Capital Market Pvt Ltd :SEBI Single Registration Number : INZ000185431 [ NSE : CM, FO, CD , BSE CM, FO , CD, MCX(COMMODITY), NSE & BSE COMMODITY, Registered Member Code: 12764 (NSE), 3180(BSE), 56505 (MCX). AMFI ARN No. : 64606 - AMFI Registered Mutual Fund Distributors, Depository Participant : NSDL : DP Id: IN304211, CDSL: SEBI Registration no. : IN-DP-CDSL-479-2008 DP Id: 12057800. Research Analyst SEBI Registration no.: INH300002423 CIN: U67120WB2005PTC103417
Aum Capital Market Pvt. Ltd. is a distributor of Mutual Fund & IPOs.Investment in Securities is subject to market risk.

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